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Japanese comics banned from sale even in China. jpg


Japanese comics banned from sale even in China. jpg

Death Note, a famous Japanese cartoon

Japanese comics banned from sale even in China. jpg(Image to aid understanding)

China, who read this,

It is said that “Death Note” has a negative influence on the thinking of teenagers.

of books that have been banned and published

Issue a recall order

Japanese comics banned from sale even in China. jpgThe Chinese publisher who received this order


Is it flying?

I’m not thinking about taking it back at all.

Japanese comics banned from sale even in China. jpgAre you guys looking at us funny right now?

Are you… telling me to… take back everything that was stolen?

I understand, but don’t you?

Do you guys want to follow?

… We’ve never really done that before.


Japanese comics banned from sale even in China. jpg(Japanese company with copyright)

We’ve never sold that to you, you bastards!!!

Japanese comics banned from sale even in China. jpg?

Japanese comics banned from sale even in China. jpgIt’s okay as long as it doesn’t cost money.

And it became blurry.

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