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We uncover the hidden truth behind the Ace Bed humidifier disinfectant lawsuit.


My name is Kang In-mook, and I was sued for hundreds of millions of dollars after reporting the use of BKC (benzalkonium chloride), an ingredient in humidifier disinfectant, by Ace Bed Co., Ltd.

Two years ago, on October 17, 2022, I reported to Nate that BKC (benzalkonium chloride), a humidifier disinfectant ingredient that caused 1,700 deaths, was used in Microguard Eco, a bed disinfectant from Ace Bed Co., Ltd.

I reported this to the Ministry of Environment, and Ace Bed Co., Ltd. will receive administrative action from the Wonju Environmental Office on January 12, 2023.

Afterwards, Ahn Seong-ho, CEO of Ace Bed Co., Ltd., sued me for defamation and obstruction of business by false information, but on July 6, 2023, the case was concluded with a decision of “no charges.”

And in the subsequent lawsuit claiming damages for 100 million won, the complaint was made that there was no use of humidifier disinfectant ingredients, and upon refutation by submitting clear evidence, it was stated in a brief on September 15, 2023 that BKC, a humidifier disinfectant ingredient, was used, but the harmfulness and risk of BKC to the human body. We retract the claim, saying it has not yet been proven.

Professional organizations such as the National Institute of Environmental Research and the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety said that the main ingredient in Ace Bed’s bed disinfectant was BKC (benzalkonium chloride), the causative ingredient in the humidifier disinfectant disaster, but the first trial ruled with a partial victory for the plaintiffs and ‘Ace’ It was determined that the use of humidifier disinfectant ingredients in Microguard Eco, a bed disinfectant, was ‘false’, and an order was made to pay 1 million won per time if such facts were posted.

And today, the results of the second trial came out, and this time, they ruled that my claim that humidifier disinfectant ingredients were used in Ace Bed Co., Ltd.’s bed disinfectant was false.

It is clear that BKC is a toxic substance in humidifier disinfectants, and it is a scientific fact that there can be no disagreement that Microguard Eco, a bed disinfectant from Ace Bed Co., Ltd., contains BKC.

I was made a criminal for writing a post informing people that humidifier disinfectants were used in the beds of a large company used by many people, all my bank accounts were seized, and my mother’s rented house was even filed for seizure because of me. And due to an incomprehensible ruling, hundreds of millions of won in debt were incurred.

The BKC ingredient used by Ace Bed Co., Ltd. in its bed disinfectant is definitely a toxic substance used in humidifier disinfectant.

But who would trust and respect the judgment of the judiciary if this was the price paid for writing a post announcing this clear scientific fact?

Even though many people use toxic substances in humidifier disinfectants on their beds, they promote this as false information and impose civil and criminal penalties on whistleblowers.

Please remember the wrong practices of large corporations that lead to death through filing complaints.

We uncover the hidden truth behind the Ace Bed humidifier disinfectant lawsuit.
We uncover the hidden truth behind the Ace Bed humidifier disinfectant lawsuit.We uncover the hidden truth behind the Ace Bed humidifier disinfectant lawsuit.We uncover the hidden truth behind the Ace Bed humidifier disinfectant lawsuit.We uncover the hidden truth behind the Ace Bed humidifier disinfectant lawsuit.We uncover the hidden truth behind the Ace Bed humidifier disinfectant lawsuit.We uncover the hidden truth behind the Ace Bed humidifier disinfectant lawsuit.We uncover the hidden truth behind the Ace Bed humidifier disinfectant lawsuit.We uncover the hidden truth behind the Ace Bed humidifier disinfectant lawsuit.We uncover the hidden truth behind the Ace Bed humidifier disinfectant lawsuit.

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