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Fukushima nuclear power plant, current situation and future prospects


Fukushima nuclear power plant, current situation and future prospects

Fukushima nuclear power plant, current situation and future prospectsFukushima nuclear power plant, current situation and future prospectsFukushima nuclear power plant, current situation and future prospectsFukushima nuclear power plant, current situation and future prospectsFukushima nuclear power plant, current situation and future prospectsIn order to decommission a nuclear reactor, it is necessary to first remove the nuclear fuel and waste that has melted and congealed in the core.

This time, Tokyo Electric Power Company began test operation of equipment for waste recovery, but due to a mistake by field personnel,

As the equipment has virtually been discarded, the prospects for resuming work are not bright.

If this plan collapses, Japan’s pledge to decommission by 2051 will inevitably be missed.

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