I am a person who is doing business at the G rest area on yy Expressway.
Really, this is so serious that I want everyone to know.
This is how I ended up writing this.
At a place called Korea’s No. 1 rest area
They are selling truly ridiculous food to the people.
This article has become a big issue overall.
I want everyone in the country to be able to see it.
This August holiday season alone, more than 100,000 people visited the rest area.

This is where you get ready to go.

If there is food left in circles on both sides, it must be in a bubbling state. However, in the bowl that came out of washing and was placed in small portions in ancient times, it was round like that.
It is a material that cannot contain food.

I was speechless as I watched the food go out.

The picture showing the food is a photo captured from a video.
Currently, G Rest Area on yy Expressway is operated by S Corporation.

We take the dishes that are washed in these machines and distribute them to customers.
I think it’s really serious.
I don’t think all rest areas across the country will operate like this, but
I hope my post doesn’t make you think that all rest areas are like this.
Only some of the video material and photo material were released.
please!!!! People who use the rest area take a look
I hope you’ll pay attention.