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The real reason for business class seats, digging into the other side of the ramen controversy


“Why do they keep giving expensive business class seats?”… Dishonest Ramen Controversy [Reporter’s Notebook]

The controversy that began when Korea Air, Korea’s largest airline, stopped serving cup ramen in-flight shows no signs of stopping. Even the government stepped in to help with the ramen controversy, but consumer backlash and airline responses were different. Some say it’s for safety, others say it’s because of safety.


The real reason for business class seats, digging into the other side of the ramen controversy
Ostensibly for safety reasons.


Business class = Ramen allowed

Economy = Ramen not allowed

Let a beggar be a beggar

Let the rich be rich

Isn’t it a slogan????

If you twist it, they give you ramen from the beginning.

Take a low-cost airline

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