I bought something and was waiting in front of the self-checkout counter.
There were people at all the checkout counters, so Auntie 1 was waiting, and then I was waiting.
Although the picture is drawn with arrows, there are actually footprint stickers on the floor to indicate the direction to line up.
Anyway, Auntie 1 was waiting, so I followed the marked line and waited behind her.
A little later, Aunty 2 came and got in line behind Auntie 1, not at the marked line.
Meanwhile, a spot opened up at the checkout counter, so Lady 1 entered.
As soon as Auntie 1 entered, I stood near the entrance.
As I was waiting for a seat to become available at the self-checkout counter, the second lady behind me pushed my shoulder.
Then he told me to go in in a grumpy voice.
No, I said something like, “Why are you pushing something that makes you feel bad when you can just say it with words?”
Then what the lady says.
He said, “I cut in line to pay quickly, so hurry up and pay.”
I was dumbfounded when I heard that.
“No, ma’am! Who cut in line?!
The lady stood in line wrong. Can’t you see the direction of the line on the floor?
The lady didn’t even know this and stood right behind the lady in front! “I was in the right line!”
Let’s say it like this! He seemed a little hesitant, perhaps because he wanted to.
There is no way these ladies would ever admit their mistakes.
“I don’t know about that. There’s a spot, so go quickly!”
Ah, I thought I’d be the only one who got tired if we fought any more, so I just held on and figured it out.
Does that woman from earlier realize her mistake by now?