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Parents suing principal, what is the truth behind the apartment bus ban?


Parents suing principal, what is the truth behind the apartment bus ban?

Parents suing principal, what is the truth behind the apartment bus ban?Parents suing principal, what is the truth behind the apartment bus ban?Parents suing principal, what is the truth behind the apartment bus ban?Parents suing principal, what is the truth behind the apartment bus ban?Parents suing principal, what is the truth behind the apartment bus ban?Parents suing principal, what is the truth behind the apartment bus ban?Parents suing principal, what is the truth behind the apartment bus ban?Parents suing principal, what is the truth behind the apartment bus ban?Parents suing principal, what is the truth behind the apartment bus ban?Principal and school position

– For the safety of other students, outside vehicles are not allowed to enter.

– Instead, create a children’s pick-up and drop-off area at the beginning of the school route.

I will (make it for you)

The position of the parents of the apartment complex

– Children are at risk due to illegally parked vehicles. Please let me get off on campus.

– They do this because they don’t want to be held responsible in case of an accident due to an external vehicle.

– We cannot take a single step back for the safety of our children.

– I will file a complaint for dereliction of duty and child neglect. They can even refuse to go to school.

other apartment residents

– They even built a pick-up and drop-off area for children, but the lawsuit is a case of collective selfishness.

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