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The charm of daylilies


The charm of daylilies

Jirisan daylily

The charm of dayliliesThe charm of daylilies4.gif

The charm of dayliliesThe charm of dayliliesThe charm of dayliliesThe charm of dayliliesThe charm of dayliliesThe charm of dayliliesThere are several types of daylily, a Korean native plant.

Drinking flower tea is said to brighten your eyes and help relieve fatigue.

Young shoots are famous as good vegetables.

The roots are used as herbal medicine.

Below are also Korean native plants.

Sorghum flower leg (white)

The charm of dayliliesThe charm of dayliliesThe charm of dayliliesThe charm of daylilieshttps://cafe.daum.net/gcs100/4Fu0/1254?q=%EC%88%98%EC%88%98%EA%BD%83%EB%8B%A4%EB%A6%AC&re=1

A plant that is very similar to this syringa is the Korean rhododendron tree, which is also a native plant.

In 1947, an American working for the U.S. Military Government received seeds of the Korean linden tree from Mt. Bukhan and brought them to the United States.

It spread around the world under the name ‘Miss Kim Lilac’.

It is already a well-known fact that it has become ‘the world’s most popular lilac tree.’

camellia tree

(The fruit is eaten by squeezing the oil)

The charm of dayliliesThe charm of daylilieshttps://www.gunchinews.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=61829&replyAll=&reply_sc_order_by=I

The charm of daylilies

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