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Secrets of eating habits warned by experts


Secrets of eating habits warned by experts

Secrets of eating habits warned by experts1) About 2,000 to 5,000 new cancer cells are always created in our body every day.

—> If the cancer cells are not normalized or killed, it becomes a problem.

2) Cancer cells grow well by eating nutrients in blood vessels.

—> Among those nutrients, the staple foods and energy sources that cancer cells crave are glutamine, glucose, and fatty acids.

Conclusion: We must starve cancer cells to prevent their growth, and at the same time, increase our immunity to attack cancer cells.

Therefore, it is emphasized to avoid excessive consumption of carbohydrates/proteins/sugar so that scabs form on the ears like a stretched tape. lol

※ Glutamine is an α-amino acid used in protein biosynthesis, and a significant portion of carbohydrates eventually enter the body.

Excessive because it is converted to sugar!!! The idea is to avoid ingestion as much as possible.

Heredity is also a problem, but the truth is that cancer has a stronger tendency to get lucky, even if we don’t want to admit it. lol

So, you can lower your chances of getting sick as much as possible by exercising and eating well.

And the importance of roulette probability is not fully realized by most people until they get caught.

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