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A legendary story that attracted attention with a shocking ending.


A legendary story that attracted attention with a shocking ending.

Sherlock Holmes fell down a waterfall with James Moriarty

After this ending comes out

The magazine that publishes the Holmes series

As many as 20,000 people had to cancel their subscriptions.

(These days, if 20,000 YouTube subscribers unsubscribe, they are in ruins)

Londoners wore black ribbons.

Holmes’ funeral was held in front of the writer’s house.

Protest letters came in from all over the world.

So many stones were thrown at the windows of the writer’s house that the windows became meaningless.

It is said that some people were preparing lawsuits.

A legendary story that attracted attention with a shocking ending.Even the British Crown Prince Edward VII at the time

He released an official statement saying, “Oh, I don’t think that’s the ending.”

The real madness

After holding on like that for several years, the author surrendered and eventually created Sherlock Holmes.

Bring it back to life haha

A legendary story that attracted attention with a shocking ending.Later, the writer

“Even if I had killed a real person, people wouldn’t have said that shit.”

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