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Clash of War: Unexpected Consequences


Clash of War: Unexpected Consequences

“Strangers! Bring your strongest warrior before me!”

Clash of War: Unexpected Consequences“?”

Clash of War: Unexpected Consequences“My name is Adachi Harunobu.

He is the successor to the legendary general Adachi Yoshinobu…”

Clash of War: Unexpected ConsequencesClash of War: Unexpected ConsequencesClash of War: Unexpected ConsequencesClash of War: Unexpected Consequences(Deng Geng)

Clash of War: Unexpected ConsequencesJapanese military perspective:

omg;; Kaburaya


Nanori didn’t even shoot


Attacking a warrior in battle!

After all, they are cruel and ruthless people who know neither honor nor manners!

Clash of War: Unexpected ConsequencesMongolian army’s point of view:

no;; You have to choose either surrender or fight.

Why are they suddenly sitting there introducing themselves? Are you at a social gathering?

In fact, during the Yuan Dynasty’s expedition to Japan,

There was a case where Japanese warriors attempted nanori in front of the Mongolian army and were cut off as a question and answer dance.

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