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A tattooed pig and a smoker’s trash exploration in the valley


Start using the valley of tattooed pigs and smokers.

A tattooed pig and a smoker's trash exploration in the valley
A tattooed pig and a smoker's trash exploration in the valleyIt is a cool valley just to look at.

This is a place where you can fill out an application form and leave your ID card at a military base.

I had fun all the time, and it was a valley I definitely want to visit again next time.

However, due to a bunch of tattooed pigs and smokers, I ended up feeling like a beggar.

Let’s write down their cool actions.

1. Smoking and throwing cigarette butts on the ground even when there are people in a valley used by many families.

People started to evacuate due to the sudden rain, and I am also evacuating.

I don’t want to fight with those people who are showing off their tattoos, so I keep silent when I get annoyed.

2. Throwing old food into the valley water

I just throw the kimbap I was eating into the valley.

When I saw that, I unconsciously said, “Oh really,” but I don’t know if I heard it or just made eye contact.

One of the group can bring a bag and throw it away… and they stop.

3. In the end, throw away all the trash.

Gather all the trash on the mat shown in the photo, roll it up and start carrying it up.

I packed all my luggage, but I thought I would throw away the trash if I got up first, so I watched him carry it up.

I threw it all away while I was taking it up!!!!!!!!!!!

● This is a conversation in the parking lot.

Me: If you throw away trash like that, who will clean it up?

Tattoo Group: I’m planning to take the plastic bag, put it in a bag, and throw it away.

me : ……

By the way.~~~~~

While I was changing out of my rain-soaked clothes, the cars left.

Have you cleaned it up already? no way!!!

My legs hurt, but I go down to the bottom of the valley again.

I didn’t clean anything up.

I wanted to know the identity of these people, but they didn’t register at the military facility and used it, so they just left without finding their ID.

My wife wants us to clean it up, so we have no choice but to do it. I didn’t want to replace what the tattooists did…

There were no trash bags, so I went to the military base, asked for my ID, got a bag, and put it in my place.

Since there was no place to put it in the car, the unit decided to leave it at the entrance to the valley.

That big bag is full, right?

This article is getting long

I’ll just write down what I want to say and conclude.

To tattoo pig group

You said you were going to clean it up… but you didn’t?

Because of you, I walked up and down that street twice.

I brought my daughter too. Are you embarrassed? Aren’t you embarrassed?

They told me to register as a military area, but I didn’t even register?

Living without laws? Anhamuin?

Are your car numbers and faces all on my car’s navigation system?

I really want to stuff it.

Please, let’s live like human beings and not just the way we are~ Huh???????

If we don’t open the valley because of people like you, we’ll release it just because we saved your photos.

Appreciate the trash you threw away.

A tattooed pig and a smoker's trash exploration in the valleyA tattooed pig and a smoker's trash exploration in the valleyA tattooed pig and a smoker's trash exploration in the valleyA tattooed pig and a smoker's trash exploration in the valleyA tattooed pig and a smoker's trash exploration in the valleyA tattooed pig and a smoker's trash exploration in the valleyA tattooed pig and a smoker's trash exploration in the valleyA tattooed pig and a smoker's trash exploration in the valleyA tattooed pig and a smoker's trash exploration in the valleyA tattooed pig and a smoker's trash exploration in the valley

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