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The reason why the Japanese Emperor’s declaration of surrender in 1945, ‘Okumbangsong’, is a disaster


The reason why the Japanese Emperor's declaration of surrender in 1945, 'Okumbangsong', is a disaster


[Korean interpretation close to the original]

Taking into account the general trend of the world and the current situation of the empire, I inform your loyal subjects that I will take emergency measures to resolve the situation.

Jim had the imperial government notify the four countries of the United States, Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union of its acceptance of the joint declaration.

In general, as a follower of Emperor Hwangjong, he did not set aside his desire to promote the prosperity of the subjects of the empire and to share the joy of universal prosperity. The reason for declaring war on the U.S. and the U.K. early on was because of my earnest desire for the self-respect of the empire and the stability of East Asia, and it was not my original intention to reject the sovereignty of other countries and invade their territories.

However, four years have already passed since the battle began, and the courageous battle of my soldiers in the Army and Navy, the journey of my Baekgwanyusa, and the bravery of my 100 million won worth of books have been lost. Despite our best efforts, the entire country has not improved, and the global trend is not in our favor. In addition, the enemy repeatedly used new and cruel bombs to kill innocent people, and the damage caused was truly immeasurable.

Moreover, if the war continues, it will not only lead to the destruction of our people, but also the destruction of human civilization. In this case, how can I preserve the millions of young people and apologize to the spirit of Emperor Huangzong? This is why he made the imperial government respond to the joint declaration.

He cannot help but express regret towards the alliance, which has always cooperated with the empire in the liberation of East Asia. As imperial subjects, my five organs and six parts are torn when I think of those who died on the battlefield, those who died in the line of duty, and those who died in mourning and their bereaved families. In addition, I deeply sympathize with the future lives of those who suffered war wounds, suffered disasters, and lost their family businesses.

I believe that the hardships the empire will have to endure from now on will be extraordinary, and I am well aware of the burden on the loyalty of your subjects. However, Jim endures the difficulties of enduring the passage of time and hopes to open a peaceful world for the rest of his life.

With this, I will protect the national body, believe in and rely on the aptitude of your subjects, and always be with your subjects. If your emotions become too strong and you want to create a division or ostracize one another and throw the world into disarray, thus destroying the great path and losing trust in the world, this is something I am most wary of.

In any case, I hope that the descendants of the Geoguk family will pass this message on to each other and firmly believe in the immortality of Shinju. Considering that the responsibility is heavy and the road is long, we will put all our efforts into future construction, strengthen moral principles, and strengthen our faith. I swear to show the purity of the national body and not to lag behind the world’s fortunes.

Let your subjects keep in mind the meaning of this burden and keep it.

[Easy Korean interpretation]

Our goal of striving not only for our own security and well-being but also for the prosperity and happiness of all nations is to carry out the noble duty passed down to us by our ancestors and from our hearts.

The reason we declared war on the devil British US was because we sincerely wanted to protect Japan itself and ensure stability in East Asia.

This is because violating the sovereignty of other countries and expanding their territory by invading them was something that was far from our beliefs.

However, not only the army and navy, but also 100 million people fought the war as best they could for four years, but both the war situation and the world situation were unfavorable.

Moreover, the enemy began to use an incredibly cruel new bomb, and the damage caused by its destructive power was immeasurable, killing many innocent people.

If the war continues like this, not only will Japan be completely destroyed, but it will also lead to the complete collapse of human civilization.

If I kill all my people, how can I see the spirits of previous emperors? So I accepted the Allies’ demands.

The hardships and suffering that Japan will experience in the future will be enormous, but by enduring them, we must pave the way for peace for the next generation.


1) Japan did its best to fight against the invaders, the demonic British Americans, with the noble goal of protecting itself and the sovereignty of East Asia as a whole.

2) However, the war situation was unfavorable, and the Allies dropped atomic bombs, brutally massacring innocent Japanese citizens.

3) If there is more war, all of Japan and its people will be devastated, so I will end the war with tears in my eyes for the sake of peace.

4) The suffering that Japan will have to pay in the future is a sacrifice for the peace of future generations (not the price that a war criminal nation should naturally pay).

Surprisingly, this is a ‘surrender declaration broadcast’ to the Allied Powers. A rare, dog-eat-dog declaration of surrender that is used as a justification for war because one does not want to use the words ‘surrender’ or ‘defeat’ even if one is dying.

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