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Wow, I can’t believe my prophecy came true.. The person who cursed me should reflect on himself.


Wow..now they sing Japanese songs on TV too.. .

I happened to see it on Shorts, and it looks like it’s a comprehensive TV show. They’re competing against each other while singing Japanese songs to see if they’re Japanese or if they’re singers.

Wow, I can’t believe my prophecy came true.. The person who cursed me should reflect on himself.
Wow, I can’t believe my prophecy came true.. The person who cursed me should reflect on himself.If you look at the last post, it’s amazing that Japanese music appears on TV.

I said a little bit (‘I guess Kimigayo will come out if I keep doing this’)…

They cursed me in the comments

On top of that, Kimigao appeared on KBS on Liberation Day…

I wasn’t wrong

I felt a little relieved from the resentment I felt because of being criticized.

It’s frustrating to see the state of the country..

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