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“”””Bottled water beggars appear one after another”””” Citizens are angry at the ”refrigerator” that cost 200 million in tax money [Tax leaks…


“Bottled water beggars appear one after another”… Citizens are angry at the ‘refrigerator’ that cost 200 million in taxpayer money [Tax leak detector ⑥]

“I gave it to you earlier. You come here often. If you know it, why on earth are you doing this?” At 10:40 am on the 13th, ‘Saemmul Warehouse’ near the bicycle experience center in Majang-dong, Seongdong-gu, Seoul. Sweat beads on my face just by standing still.

It’s just bottled water hahahahahahaha

Would you take this and sell it for carrots?

What kind of life are you living?? Haha

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