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A person who has no problem even if Kyungaka ranks him as the number one contributor on Liberation Day.


Teacher Mojeonguryeomya.

If you read the history of World War II, you will see that surprisingly, the Japanese army fought quite well. There have been few battles where one’s power was lost like that of the Japanese Navy. Of course, don’t fuck with Nazi Germany, which was the first tier of the army at the time, and the Soviet Union, which threw people instead of bullets! I will do it though.

But it was this teacher, Mr. Goo-Ryeom-ya, who caused a huge loss of power to the Japanese Army. This man was so passionate about independence that he was even tried for war crimes after the war.

??? Isn’t this an Allied general?

was found not guilty.

Surprisingly, the teacher was not involved in war crimes such as massacre of civilians.

At this point, it wouldn’t be out of the question to mention it on Liberation Day.

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