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Russian Embassy in Korea “”””It was Russia that liberated Korea!””””


Russian Embassy in Korea """"It was Russia that liberated Korea!""""

Russian Embassy Telegram in Korea

On August 15th, Korea celebrates Liberation Day, the day of liberation from Japanese colonial rule.

+Congratulations to the Korean people on their national holiday.

+From the embassy’s material titled “The Soviet Union’s Contribution to World War II”:

“Three months after Germany’s defeat, the Soviet Union declared war on Japan as agreed at the Yalta Conference. On the night of August 8th to 9th, the battle began on the Korean Peninsula. The 25th Army and the Pacific Fleet arrived on August 15th. By Japan, virtually all territory up to the 38th parallel was liberated.

The Western Allied countries recognized that it would be difficult to quickly end the war with Japan without the help of the Soviet Union. According to the United States’ predictions at the time, the war against Japan could have lasted until 1947 or 1950 without the help of the Soviet Union. The Soviet army’s surprise defeat of the most powerful and combat-powerful Japanese ground forces in 11 days was an unprecedented event not only in the history of World War II but also in the entire history of war.

The total casualties of the Soviet army in the war against Japan were approximately 4,500, of which 1,500 were killed. In particular, except for the Soviet Army, no military from any country, including the U.S. Army, participated in the Korean Peninsula Liberation War. “The first US military landed on the Korean Peninsula was on September 8, 1945, after Japan signed the document of surrender on September 2, 1945.”

Russian Embassy in Korea """"It was Russia that liberated Korea!""""79 people, 15 people in 1945 It’s time to start.

79 years ago, on August 15, 1945, the Red Army, together with Korean patriots, liberated Joseon from Japanese colonial rule.

Surprisingly, this is a post from the official account of the Russian Embassy in Korea. It was divided because of them…

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