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Why do we provide subsidies for prostitution?


So it was prostitutes who led feminism

Korea is now dominated by feminism.

For various reasons, interests are being distributed to those who led feminism.

In the name of various education, feminism is sucking up tax money from all corners of society, including feminist instructors, teachers, professors, organizations, broadcasters, media, and civil servants.

Become a cartel

There are so many people who have reached out to feminism that it is difficult to turn back.

Prostitution subsidy is paid to the members of the action team for their hard work.

If a college course says something about sex and love, it’s a feminism course.

In this way, ideological education was spread like communist political officers.

One of the reasons why the country is increasingly falling into ruin.

The reason why prostitutes cheer feminism is because as the number of unmarried men increases, the number of customers will increase.

In short, it’s money

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