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Current status of this Seodaemun Prison event


Current status of this Seodaemun Prison event

‘During this process, there was a part where children fired water guns at a security guard dressed as a police officer, and it was pointed out that this was educationally inappropriate.

There are conflicting opinions, with those saying that it will be an experiential education that involves fighting directly against the Japanese military, and those that there are concerns that it will only teach children hostility.’

But if you don’t have hostility toward Japanese police officers, who should you have hostility toward?

Anyway, the traditional water gun fight was canceled.

Instead, it is said that children just blow things up with water guns.

Current status of this Seodaemun Prison eventThe funny thing is, I was originally planning to do it.

Current status of this Seodaemun Prison eventI liked the kids, and I didn’t particularly dislike the people who played the roles of the Japanese soldiers.

I don’t know why it was canceled? roo ? Washed-up?

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