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A chronic disease that Joseon suffered from for hundreds of years.


Gun manufacturing

Seungjeongwon Diary, April 13, 1st year of King Injo’s reign (1623)

When fighting against the enemy, rifles are even more desperately needed.

The ones made by the Military Police Department last time were a waste of all materials and were not suitable for use.

With weapons like this, how can they become a proper army?

I heard that the Japanese merchants brought a lot of rifles and wanted to trade with them.

God, I ask that each government establish a military discipline that is established every month for only 4 or 5 years.

It will be very convenient if you purchase Japanese rifles with the cost of setting up a military standard every month.

Summary of 1623: Our guns are so fucking bad, we just buy them from Japan with the money it costs to make them.

Seungjeongwon Diary, July 19, 17th year of King Injo’s reign (1639)

Shin Ik-ryang said in the words of Bibyeonsa:


In the minds of the gods, each gun handle contains the name of the craftsman, the date and month of manufacture, and

Engrave the weight of the basis and the length of the measure.

In the same way, follow the regulations of the Dogam and the regulations of the Commander-in-Chief.

, each town separately made a separate record and recorded all the inscriptions on the jochong and the names of Gam-Gwan and Saek-Ri.

If the leader in question waits for the soldier’s personal opinion after signing and stamping,

Wouldn’t things like abandonment and surrender be naturally revealed just by looking at the documents?

Summary of 1639: No, there are no standards for making guns, so let’s create some standards.

A chronic disease that Joseon suffered from for hundreds of years.
There is a standard, but if the people who make it don’t follow it correctly, it’s not true.

Among the various firearms of the Joseon Dynasty, only rifles have no clear specifications and are ambiguous.

All that has been found from the historical documents unearthed so far is ‘Let’s make the rifle weigh approximately 5~6 geun and the ammunition be approximately 2 5 to 3 geun’.

So the idea was to record and unify the standards.

Bibyeonsa registration October 12, 1st year of King Sukjong’s reign (1675)

On the 11th of this month, during the Yun University entrance exam, Haengbuhogun Lee Jip (李鏶) said,

“The rifle is our country’s long-term skill.

Among the monthly reports of each town

There are those that have a small muzzle but a large muzzle, and there are those that have a small muzzle but a large muzzle.

Because the large and small do not match each other, it is impossible to fire accurately, so it is difficult to use when there is an emergency.

1675 Summary: Make guns straight!!

Bibyeonsa registration October 24, 18th year of King Sukjong’s reign (1692)

General Manager Jang Hee-jae said:

“Recently, when each county makes rifles, factories use less material.

The rifle, which was made with only the intention of completing airspace easily, is too thin.


During the test launch, many things were broken and torn, and the heavy military discipline was made so lax.

Very pathetic.. (sigh)

1692 Summary: Make guns straight!!

Seungjeongwon Diary, November 19, the year of King Yeongjo’s accession to the throne (1724)

However, rifles only look good on the surface and are not convenient to use in reality.

Because the gun hole was narrow,

Bullets are easily caught and blocked, making them difficult to pass through.

Every time I put in an iron ring, it gets clogged.

It is difficult to push in. The month and year of each town are mostly like this.

How can you say that the rifles in the illustrated book are not in the same situation?

1724 Summary: Make guns straight!!

Seungjeongwon Diary, August 21, 4th year of King Yeongjo’s reign (1728)

What Lee Sam said

After this upheaval, there is more work to be done.

In order to use a rifle, the metal ring must be struck by the gun’s muzzle, so the disadvantage of it being useless when fighting a gun is eliminated.


During the last expedition, the kite was bigger than the muzzle, so I had to cut it off one by one.

They say it took a lot of time.

If it’s like this, how can you go to war and end up in failure? (sigh)

1728 Summary: Make guns straight!!

Registration of Bibyeonsa on August 9, 36th year of King Yeongjo’s reign (1760)

On August 8th, when I took the entrance exam for the Chinrim exam, the training leader, Gu Seon-haeng, said,

“Nowadays, the method of making bird guns is very different from the past, so even this is plausible.

Among them

What’s even more pathetic is that the system of gun holes and bullets does not match in size.

Or the gun hole is large and the bullet is small,

Or, the bullets are large and the gun holes are small, so what is the use of a wheel strike in an emergency? (shorthand)

1760 Summary: Make guns straight!!

How long ago was the rifle introduced, but for hundreds of years until the 18th century, the standards for guns and bullets were not even met?

After this, there were amazing stories about the rifle rusting due to lack of maintenance, or the gun not being able to fire bullets because the hole was clogged.

By the 19th century, the era of full-fledged rifles had begun, and rifles themselves had become obsolete.

So, since rifles are an old thing, they had no choice but to be like this?

Of course, the artillery itself had significant limitations, but Joseon had them most seriously.

Oh my gosh

Bibyeonsa registration March 14, 8th year of King Hyojong’s reign (1657)

“In a memoir about the work of the Korean Confederation, it is said, ‘The Confederation of Confederation to be sent to the home country is inherently rough and bad.

Guns made in Japan are best. How could even the President obtain a rifle like this?

“Because the Japanese people’s ban has become increasingly strict, it is now difficult to comply with this ban even by purchasing it in exchange.”

Cheong: Your guns are really bad. Instead of that, you should buy Japanese guns and supply them.

Chosun: I know, but they say they don’t sell it. I’m surprised.

There’s even a record of that lol.

In Joseon, the government gave exclusive rights to private manufacturers and entrusted production entirely to them.

Processing the barrel and gun steel of a rifle was surprisingly a task that required an enormous amount of labor rather than high-precision technology.

Because the government monopolizes the production system and produces quotas,

Just trying to fill the quota quickly and easily like the 1692 record, I stopped…

Moreover, the inspection officer who managed the production of rifles was a low-level civil servant who studied for the civil service examination all his life and only passed the small department.

And did they really manage it well and was this a properly functioning system?

This can be clearly seen through the above records.

A chronic disease that Joseon suffered from for hundreds of years.On the other hand, Japan, which is often brought up for comparison in records, has practical workers who were warriors or iron gun craftsmen.

Gun quality control was ensured, and gun manufacturing was also not a monopoly.

Each time, I purchased a firearm individually from the manufacturer.

Since there are multiple sellers and buyers, if you don’t like something, just buy it somewhere else.

If you make it well and sell it, there is a possibility that you can secure other customers.

If I wanted to make a living selling guns, I had no choice but to secure competitiveness.

Additionally, the entire country did not use unified standards, but each region had its own standards.

They attached great importance to this and made the specifications a military secret.

Europe was similar to Japan, but the difference was that each commander purchased a gun instead of each division.

By the early 18th century, the entire military was using firearms of the same standard.

Each part is produced at a designated factory and is finally assembled after quality inspection.

The introduction of modern standardized production methods began.

A chronic disease that Joseon suffered from for hundreds of years.But he holds a gun like that and shoots it so damn well that other people are amazed.



1. Guns have not been made for hundreds of years

2. But you can use this in real life.

3. Master

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