After the outbreak of the Pacific War, Leonard enlisted in the Australian Army as a signal soldier in 1940. While moving to the border to meet the Dutch army on New Guinea Island, Leonard was ambushed by New Guinea natives and handed over to the Japanese army. Two weeks later, on July 1, 1943, he was beheaded and murdered in a POW camp.
The person who murdered LeonardChikao Yasuno
A Japanese military officer, he was sentenced to death in a war crimes trial, but his sentence was commuted to 10 years in prison. Yasuno orders his subordinates to take pictures.
After the war, Leonard’s remains were never found, and a memorial tombstone is currently in Papua New Guinea. A Dutch soldier about to be beheaded. This is how the Japanese army treated Allied prisoners of war. To this day, Japanese right-wingers deny that these war crimes are false and fabricated.