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Really, the government’s current medical benefit reform seems crazy; do



For recipients of medical benefits (simply put, a system in which people with income below a certain level, such as basic livelihood recipients, benefit from medical expenses), hospital fees were originally set as follows.

1,000 won per general assembly member

2nd 1,500 won 3rd 2,000 won

In other words, with the flat rate, you only had to pay 2,000 won no matter how much treatment you received or whether the treatment cost tens of millions of won. Thanks to this, even sick people were able to receive treatment without any burden.

However, the government is now saying that it will change this to a fixed-rate system rather than a flat-rate system. do

4% of the treatment fee per general clinic treatment session

2nd 6%, 3rd 8%

As for the reason for this change, it is said that medical recipients go to the hospital twice on average compared to non-recipients, and the cost of treatment per visit is more than three times higher on average. In other words, because medical expenses are so cheap, people use medical care like shopping.

If you change to a fixed rate system, you will spend a certain amount of money in proportion to the amount of medical services you receive, so you will spend less.

However, it is also true that statistics are meaningless in the first place because the lower-income the person is, the more likely they are to be in the blind spot of medical care.

Really, the government's current medical benefit reform seems crazy; do
Among medical benefit recipients, 30% are disabled;

40% are over 65 years old.;;

Then, isn’t it possible to triple the treatment fee per session and double the number of treatments?

Now, the number of medical beneficiaries who used to receive treatment worth 100 million won per month has decreased by 8%.

In other words, it ends up costing 8 million won a month just for hospital expenses.. ㄷㄷ;

Now, there will be a growing number of people going into medical bankruptcy in Korea.

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