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The reason why hard game users came to hate G-style encyclopedia


While reading a few articles related to the G-style encyclopedia, at some point I remembered that both I and the fighting game community dislike it a lot.

But why did I come to hate this guy? she had an idea

After that, I wrote down the reasons that came to mind.

Honestly, I used to like it.

Even though it was Rekka, the quality of information was considerable and it represented gamers’ opinions well.

However, in the fighting game community, there is a video showing how to use the G-style encyclopedia as if you were your enemy…

The reason why hard game users came to hate G-style encyclopedia
It was a video that had something like this.

To summarize

There is a Japanese player named Tokido, and he was swept away in the early stages because he left out important information before even completing his research on the game.

He is a person who gets criticized for being a thief because he goes to very small competitions and robs empty houses.

The word

The problem is the empty house robbery mentioned here.

If you look up anything about Tokido, what does this mean? It’s such bullshit.

Probably from Kkaemu Wiki

The reason why hard game users came to hate G-style encyclopediaThe reason why hard game users came to hate G-style encyclopediaIt seems like he said something like that after seeing this part,

If you look at the early days, this may have been true to some extent.

The problem is that it only applies to the early days of Spa 4, which was over 10 years ago.

Tokido is still one of the top players in spa.

He also has experience winning with SPA 5 at EVO, the highest level fighting game competition.

After that, I did a lot of research and put in a lot of effort into the spa, and it was often ranked in the rankings.

It doesn’t really show what it looked like at that time.

It was so long ago that some people think that Tokido has always been a spa person.

By the time that video came out, Tokido was already a top player and the fact that he had that nickname was so late that it was completely forgotten.

Above all, the fact that he is called by that nickname is itself inaccurate.

(Because when I went to Geomu Wiki, it was just a blurb.)

However, he said it in the video as if he is still being disparaged in that way.

As expected, the fighting game community started to explode with questions about what you know.

The problem is that this guy made the worst choice…

The reason why hard game users came to hate G-style encyclopediaFirst of all, he couldn’t focus and started making nonsensical complaints.

1. Tokido is such a major player that if you look around the fighting game community for a bit, you will definitely come across talk about him not being known in Korea. If you do a little research to make a video, it’s impossible to not know.

2. No one was angry at Tokido for not being S-tier.

3. The point is that I did not like the fact that such a player was given the nickname of an unconfirmed and unnamed house thief.

So, from the perspective of Tokido fans, the video is packed with facts that will upset everyone.

Oh yeah, I didn’t know. I just finished the follow-up response.

The reason why hard game users came to hate G-style encyclopediaAfterwards, I continued to talk about my time at Spa 2, which I wasn’t even curious about.

I’ve been using Spa longer than you, so it’s okay for me to tell nonsense about casting Adak.

I don’t understand at all what the nonsense above has to do with the fact that he did well in Spa 2.

Afterwards, there were places in the fighting game community that banned mentioning ‘that wrecker’.

In the end, I also came to hate that guy, thinking that he was no different from other cyber wreckers…

What’s even sadder is that the fighting game pool was so small that no issues were raised at all.

So, why don’t we play Spa 6 together?

The reason why hard game users came to hate G-style encyclopediaThe reason why hard game users came to hate G-style encyclopedia@@@@Spa 6 Season 2 in progress @@@@

@@@@Terri and Mai also participate in collaboration with SNK!@@@@

@@@@A pool of people who can be matched according to skill level for beginners, intermediate players, and advanced players!@@@@

@@@@Start right now@@@@

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