I made a version of Marcil’s frog suit.
https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/art/marcille-in-a-frog-suit Download the modeling file registered as fan art for about 3,000 won. I asked a friend to print it out.I printed two animals for each arm holding a cane.
As I was finishing it, I found it tiresome to work on two identical pieces, so I put a magnet on my arm to make them interchangeable. By smoothing the surface Spray the base color. Completed through various processes!https://www.youtube.com/embed/L1B5SJpn9aI
Here’s the finished photo. Size comparison with disposable lighters This is the entire configuration. Attach a replacement arm to the finished print and take a cut I didn’t want to just paint the hair in the front yellow, so I did it differently, and it ended up being gold… I think I need to modify it a little bit. You can also use a two-handed cane like this ^^; Size comparison with 100 won coin I made it so quickly that the stick started to shine… Pop-up parade with Marcil Marcil 3-piece set The last ones are the yellow frog and the red tank.That’s it!