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He jumped 2m and bit me… Wild dogs are wandering around. When will there be a solution?


He jumped 2m and bit me... Wild dogs are wandering around. When will there be a solution?

He jumped 2m and bit me... Wild dogs are wandering around. When will there be a solution?He jumped 2m and bit me... Wild dogs are wandering around. When will there be a solution?He jumped 2m and bit me... Wild dogs are wandering around. When will there be a solution?He jumped 2m and bit me... Wild dogs are wandering around. When will there be a solution?He jumped 2m and bit me... Wild dogs are wandering around. When will there be a solution?He jumped 2m and bit me... Wild dogs are wandering around. When will there be a solution?He jumped 2m and bit me... Wild dogs are wandering around. When will there be a solution?He jumped 2m and bit me... Wild dogs are wandering around. When will there be a solution?https://n.news.naver.com/article/055/0001180286?ntype=RANKING


The idea of ​​designating wild dogs as harmful birds has been floating around in the National Assembly and has become a no-brainer.

Shouldn’t we deal with feral children over the age of 2 or 3? Not only people but also pets become dangerous while walking.

I wonder if this is something that animal groups are paying attention to..

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