1. The Korean national team places more importance on the National Sports Festival.
Nonsense. The National Sports Festival is just a National Sports Festival. The national team always gives top priority to world competitions.
However, the National Sports Festival is usually held in October, and by October, the international archery competition for that year is almost over.
National representatives participate in the National Sports Festival representing their respective teams/schools. In this process, it seems that the rumor has been exaggerated because it is not uncommon for Olympic medalists to be eliminated from the preliminaries after being hit by players without national team experience.

For reference, this year’s National Sports Festival will be held from October 11 to October 17, but due to the tight schedule of the Archery World Cup Grand Final, which has been rescheduled due to the Olympics, there is a high probability that the current national team members in Paris will not be able to participate in the National Sports Festival. . The grand final will be held in Mexico over two days, October 19th and 20th.
2. Boycott of Korea by American Hoyt Company

This is a rumor that started around the time of the London Olympics when someone wrote something on Facebook and spread it on Twitter, but it is still alive and popping up every now and then.
Nowadays, there is even a story going around that the restrictions were lifted in a hurry because Korean bows became number one in the industry.
The bow is just a player’s personal preference. Korean bows are good, right?
Competition recurve bow
It is true that domestically produced Win&Win (We Are We) beat Hoyt and took first place in the industry, but the boycott is not true.

It must be a good feeling to sweep up all the archery gold medals, but let’s cheer on the athletes instead of being embarrassed by commenting after hearing strange rumors.
We ask for your interest in the Archery World Cup Grand Final, which will be held from October 19th.