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The reason why Sister Heo Mimi was able to quickly acquire Korean nationality


The reason why Sister Heo Mimi was able to quickly acquire Korean nationality

Thanks to their great-great-grandfather Heo Seok, even if they have dual nationality, holding Korean nationality alone requires a greater amount of administrative processing than expected. So the team manager looked into the relevant documents and discovered that Sister Heo Mimi’s great-great-grandfather was independence activist Heo Seok.

Under Korea’s nationality law, descendants of independence activists can be granted special naturalization. In the case of the Heo Mimi sisters, they were recognized by the government as descendants of independence activists, and unlike other Koreans living in Japan, naturalization was approved quickly.

In the case of Mimi Heo, she benefited from her great-grandfather in Korea thanks to her great-grandfather, whom she did not even know, and also received a congratulatory letter from the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs thanks to her great-grandfather.

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