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Archery is really bad.


Archery is really bad.

Originally, archery was held in the first and second rounds, and the player with the highest total score won.

This method is advantageous to our players, who are much more skilled, because it is possible to make up for it even if a mistake is made.

So, after the preliminary round, we reset the score and changed it to the final round.

However, since our country always wins, they change it to a tournament format.

Even so, Korea won all the games and won the championship.

So this time I reduced the number of arrows shot.

The more you shoot, the closer you are to your skill level, so if you make a mistake, we want to make it fatal and at the same time prevent our players from finding their feel while shooting…

But they can’t find any sense anymore.

So this time, we changed from a point system to a set system.

Even if you win 60-0, you only won one set…

In addition, overtime was changed to a shoot-off system where only one shot is fired.

Let your luck and luck work as much as possible…

Nevertheless, no country other than Korea has won a gold medal in the women’s archery team event at the Olympics.


Korea took 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in women’s archery at the Bangkok Asian Games.

Due to regulations preventing one country from being swept away, a bronze medal was awarded to Taiwanese player who placed 4th instead of Lee Mi-jeong who placed 3rd.

Afterwards, the rules were changed to allow only two individuals to participate in the Asian Games.

During the Atlanta Olympics, the American company Hoyt sold bows only to its own athletes.

From then on, we worked hard to develop our bow, and at the Sydney Olympics, our athletes won a gold medal with a domestic bow.

Then, foreign players also began using Korean bows, and Korea’s Win&Win is currently evaluated as the world’s best bow manufacturer (Samick went out of business nine years ago).

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