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learning from archery


learning from archery

When it comes to archery, you first learn the basics, such as posture.

But after that

‘Intentional misaiming’ must be learned.

Even if you shoot an arrow from the same spot

The climate, including wind, is different every time you shoot.

Especially the wind blows all the time

Always, always different.

Even if you shoot again right after shooting


The wind changes from moment to moment.

To put it simply, if the wind blows from the left

You have to shoot biased to the left.

When the wind blows on the right

You must shoot biased to the right.

That way, the arrow will bend as it flies.

A hit is possible.

How curved the arrow’s trajectory will be

Grasping every moment

You must shoot appropriately.

This is called ‘intentional misaiming’.

Assuming there is no wind

It seems like you’re aiming incorrectly.

Considering that the arrow is pushed by the wind

That is not misaiming, but correct aiming in that situation.

The more expert you are at archery, the more

Taking into account situations such as wind that changes from moment to moment in real time,

The aim always changes accordingly.

Circumstances, such as the wind, are always changing.

So the aiming angle always changes depending on the time.

The same goes for human life

Just memorize the textbook

You can’t do anything properly with just that.

If textbooks are the basics

Just like when shooting an archery, the situation is always changing.

So the appropriate response to it always changes.

The basics don’t change

Actual applications always vary.

Of course, you can’t succeed in anything without the basics.


If it is not applied in practice, it cannot be successful.

Archery must always be done according to the situation.

Life seems like a feast.

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