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Jin-Sook Lee “MBC’s malicious frame… I wrote it within a set limit.


Jin-Sook Lee “MBC’s malicious frame… I wrote it within a set limit.

There is a virtual CEO of the public corporation Korea Electric Power Corporation.

Let’s say there is a hypothetical Dharmaka.

The limit is almost unlimited, but you can use it per month.

Let’s assume the rule is 50 million won.

The CEO of KEPCO mainly works in Lotte Hotel restaurants and suite rooms.

And the same goes for the Renaissance Hotel…

Busan Signiel and Paradise Hotel…

Jeju Shilla Hotel, Tokyo Ritz-Carlton Hotel, etc.

In numerous hotel restaurants and rooms here and there,

Beopka is used here and there on golf courses.

According to the set limit regulations, it never exceeds 50 million won per month.

But isn’t the purpose more important than the limit?

Was it for work or was it like Hong Jun-pyo who gave public funds to his wife to help with household chores?

Have you had drinks with acquaintances who have nothing to do with work, including yourself?

Or maybe he used it to cheat….

If it’s Jin-Sook Lee, she and Park Min will also raise KBS’ viewing fees.

Whether you see Gavis or not, there are no exceptions regardless of the level of command…

Even people who have already passed away will receive a viewing fee bill.

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