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First mass production of KF-21 Boramae begins


The main fighter aircraft of advanced countries

KF-21 Boramae.

Successful all test flights

Start of mass production.

First mass production of KF-21 Boramae begins
First mass production of KF-21 Boramae beginshttps://v.daum.net/v/20240710110018836


The KF-21 is made in two versions.

1. Heavily armed semi-stealth aircraft

2. Stealth aircraft (F35 class)

What is now in mass production is a ‘heavily armed semi-stealth aircraft’.

It is expected that mass production of version 2 ‘stealth aircraft (F35 class)’ will begin within a few years.

(Negotiations are underway with several countries, including the UK and Saudi Arabia, wanting to introduce the KF-21.)

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