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Regarding the controversy over Son Woong-jeong Academy


Regarding the controversy over Son Woong-jeong Academy

Regarding the controversy over Son Woong-jeong AcademyRegarding the controversy over Son Woong-jeong AcademyRegarding the controversy over Son Woong-jeong AcademyRegarding the controversy over Son Woong-jeong AcademyRegarding the controversy over Son Woong-jeong AcademyRegarding the controversy over Son Woong-jeong AcademyRegarding the controversy over Son Woong-jeong AcademyRegarding the controversy over Son Woong-jeong AcademyRegarding the controversy over Son Woong-jeong AcademyRegarding the controversy over Son Woong-jeong AcademyRegarding the controversy over Son Woong-jeong AcademyRegarding the harsh expressions that came out at Son Woong-jeong Academy this time,

Quite a few people keep talking about “changing the times.”

My favorite progressive(?) YouTuber also says that.

To be honest, I am of the opposite opinion.


They say times have changed, but professional soccer is a place for rough play.

Will swearing between players disappear?

Do you always look for your mom??? Or do you think the directors will act like mothers?

Also, even if it’s not professional soccer right now, middle and high school students swear by it.

When I see people talking about changes in times these days, I think it’s a bit of a funny claim. Kids all over the world already use a lot of swear words in their daily lives.

In Korea, I feel that the level and variety of swearing is beyond the imagination of adults.

Those kids at Son Woong-jeong Academy are like, hey, what are you doing? If you’re going to do something like that, don’t do it!!

Are you crying like chicken shit just because you heard these words?

Honestly, if that’s the case, I think it’s better to just play FIFA Online at home.

The world is not a greenhouse

In addition to the lifestyles of middle and high school students, even more insults, ridicule, and sarcasm are circulated when you play professional soccer and go to other countries.

Every time I say, “Times have changed, let’s not do that,” things will change a lot.

I also heard in the media that Coach Son Heung-yoon has a lot of swear words and harsh expressions in the past.

So I’ve never seen a news story about someone suffering from mental illness or being assaulted.

If you don’t like it, you can leave.

How is this different from saying, “I want to work properly at a construction site, but I don’t want to smell like cigarettes or hear informal language.”

If you don’t like it, you shouldn’t go to the construction site.

Why do we send people to middle and high school without even mentioning the military?

If you’re going to think of it this way, there’s kids there yelling at each other.

The world does not revolve around these people.

Sometimes you have to adjust yourself.

You can tell just by looking at the current Feminist Party what kind of tragedy it has created, right?

Even if something offends them just a little bit, they foam at the mouth.

What kind of tragedy occurred in Korean society as a whole?

It’s not enough to explain it one by one…

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