The situation a man experiences when he is a ”full-time housewife”…

The situation a man experiences when he is a ''full-time housewife''...

The situation a man experiences when he is a ''full-time housewife''...The situation a man experiences when he is a ''full-time housewife''...The situation a man experiences when he is a ''full-time housewife''...The situation a man experiences when he is a ''full-time housewife''...The situation a man experiences when he is a ''full-time housewife''...The situation a man experiences when he is a ''full-time housewife''...The situation a man experiences when he is a ''full-time housewife''...The situation a man experiences when he is a ''full-time housewife''...The situation a man experiences when he is a ''full-time housewife''...The situation a man experiences when he is a ''full-time housewife''...The situation a man experiences when he is a ''full-time housewife''...The situation a man experiences when he is a ''full-time housewife''...When a man is a full-time housewife, he is treated as an unemployed person who plays at home.

When a woman is a full-time housewife, she takes care of childcare alone and lives alone…

Do men go to work because they can’t take care of the house?

A couple can do what each other is relatively good at.

Want to become a full-time housewife

There must be quite a few fathers with talent.

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