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Taste of half-human and half-god women


Taste of half-human and half-god women

Taste of half-human and half-god womenThe taste of half-human and half-god women according to records

1) Park Chung-hee had a strange perverted taste in preferring women with the same Park surname.

/Source: Park Se-gil, [Historical Criticism]. Issue 21, page 166

2) Park Chung-hee, as he was from the Manchurian army, sometimes had a hobby of raping women while wearing kimonos.

/Source: Son Gwang-sik, [Waitlist reporting file]. 2002. Page 213

3) One day, Park Chung-hee went to Jeong Yun-hee’s apartment in the middle of the night and ran into a woman named Handong. This woman spread rumors throughout the neighborhood and was taken to the Central Intelligence Agency and beaten for 11 hours, leaving her with a limp for the rest of her life. At the time, Jung Yun-hee was a Haitai gum model, and because she and Park Jung-hee’s son, Park Ji-man, were sexual partners with the Lotte gum model, a popular phrase went around: “Dad is Haitai gum, son is Lotte gum.”

/Source: JoongAng Ilbo, [Annals of Park Chung-hee]. 1998. Page 297

4) Park Chung-hee had sex with a waiter at Samcheonggak and gave her a solid gold lighter that had been a gift from the Sultan of Malaysia. The waiter boasted about the lighter, saying it was a sign of her having sex with His Excellency. She was taken to the Central Intelligence Agency and beaten for 12 hours, making her a cripple for the rest of her life. It has been done.

/Source: Kim Jae-hong, [Chaehongsa’ Park Seon-ho’s court-martial testimony transcript], [Shin Donga], 1998. pp. 307-308

5) Park Chung-hee raped a married player he had spotted while shaking hands with the winning team of the Saemaeul Mothers Volleyball Tournament.

/Source: Kim Chung-sik, [Political Operation Command Headquarters Namsan]. Dong-A Ilbo, 1992. 231 pages

6) Park Chung-hee went to the Armed Forces General Hospital to take an

/Source: JoongAng Ilbo, [Annals of Park Chung-hee]. 1998. Page 334

7) Cha Ji-cheol makes sure to have a security guard stand behind Park Jung-hee whenever he watches TV in the evening. When Park Jung-hee sees a celebrity he likes and leans in, saying “Hmm,” he writes down the name. That night, he immediately sends a security guard to force the celebrity. He brought her here, and Park Chung-hee raped her.

/Source: Lee Gyeong-nam, [Reassessment of Iron-Blooded President Park Chung-hee]. [Monthly JoongAng]. 1992. Page 286

8) After raping popular actress Ahn Eun-sook, Park Chung-hee forced her to appear without a bra in a drama she was appearing in, claiming that she had ample breasts, and placed a Central Intelligence Agency agent on the drama set to directly report on her state of being without a bra.

/Source: Kim Chung-sik, [Political Operation Command Headquarters Namsan]. Dong-A Ilbo, 1992. pp. 227-229

9) When Yoon Jeong-hee, a movie star who was often called by Park Chung-hee, married Paik Geon-woo, Park Chung-hee forced Yoon Jeong-hee to have sex with him one last time.

10) After having sex with singer Serena Kim, Park Chung-hee slapped Serena Kim’s buttocks and exclaimed, “You are Korea’s No. 1 national treasure,” praising her sex skills.

/Source: Kim Jae-hong, [Chaehongsa’ Park Seon-ho court-martial testimony transcript], [Shin Donga], 1998. 307 pages

11) It was known that Serena Kim was fighting with Kim Chu-ja by the head and said, “Your Excellency, you bitch, is my servant. I will tell you and punish you,” and she was taken to the Central Intelligence Agency and beaten for 6 hours.

/Source: Kim Chung-sik, [Political Operation Command Headquarters Namsan]. Dong-A Ilbo, 1992. pp. 191-192

12) Park Chung-hee was watching the movie ‘Midnight Cowboy’ with his daughters Park Geun-hye and Park Geun-young, and when a sexy scene came out, he could not control his sexual desire, got up from his seat, went to the Central Intelligence Agency’s safe house, and raped a high school girl.

/Source: Kim Jae-hong, [Chaehongsa’ Park Seon-ho’s court-martial testimony transcript], [Shin Donga], 1998. pp. 304-321

13) Actress Han Hye-sook, who was summoned by Park Chung-hee, ran away from Park Chung-hee, who attacked her wearing only panties, but was again subdued by bodyguards and raped by Park Chung-hee.

/Source: Kyo-sik Kim, [Documentary Park Chung-hee 3]. Pyeongminsa, 1990, page 228





Taste of half-human and half-god womenTaste of half-human and half-god womenPark Seon-ho, head of the Protocol Division of the Central Intelligence Agency, testified…

“More than 100 celebrities have visited the safe house in Gungjeong-dong, which was used as a venue for Park Chung-hee’s sex parties… Some became pregnant and had abortions… Actors K and H did not come because they cried and refused to comply. A female nurse became pregnant. So, I had a hard time…” (Kang Shin-ok’s meeting notes), the process of selecting women “mainly started with photos from weekly magazines or watching TV.” On the day of October 26, singer Shim Soo-bong was at the Naeja Hotel coffee shop, and college student Shin Jae-soon was at the Plaza Hotel in Gungjeong-dong. Regarding the women who came and went to Gungjeong-dong, he said, “Most of them were actors and actresses, and all of the women on the calendar hung there went to a safe house.”



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