The American president who completely changed the fate of South Korea

The American president who completely changed the fate of South Korea

The American president who completely changed the fate of South KoreaThe American president who completely changed the fate of South KoreaThe American president who completely changed the fate of South KoreaThe American president who completely changed the fate of South KoreaThe American president who completely changed the fate of South KoreaThe American president who completely changed the fate of South KoreaThe American president who completely changed the fate of South KoreaThe American president who completely changed the fate of South KoreaThe American president who completely changed the fate of South KoreaThe American president who completely changed the fate of South KoreaThe American president who completely changed the fate of South KoreaThe American president who completely changed the fate of South KoreaThe American president who completely changed the fate of South KoreaThe American president who completely changed the fate of South KoreaMacArthur: “Let’s use atomic bombs on Korea”

Truman: “I don’t like it.”

MacArthur: “Let’s just give up Korea and defend Japan”

British Prime Minister Attlee: “Let’s just give up on Korea”

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