Energy drinks containing sugar cause male pattern hair loss
If you consume too much, your hair may fall out. A research team led by Professor Ai Zhao of the Department of Dermatology at Tsinghua University School of Public Health in China examined the eating habits of 592 male pattern baldness patients and 436 people without hair loss, targeting young men with an average age of 27.8 years. As a result, it was revealed that patients with male pattern hair loss consumed more energy drinks than people without hair loss. When blood sugar levels rise by drinking energy drinks, which are sugary beverages, the polyol pathway, which converts glucose into other sugars, is activated. The research team believed that as the amount of glucose outside the hair follicles decreased, the metabolic activity of hair follicle cells decreased, increasing the risk of hair loss.
Even if you drink just one drink, blood vessel function decreases.
Drinking energy drinks also reduces blood vessel function. This happens even if you drink just one drink. A research team at McGovern University in the United States examined the vasodilation response before and after drinking energy drinks in healthy non-smoking people in their 20s. As a result, the response was found to have decreased from an average of 5.1% to 2.8%, which means that vascular function decreased due to acute damage to the vascular endothelium. The research team believed that the combined effects of caffeine, taurine, and sugar in energy drinks had negative effects, such as momentarily constricting blood vessels. There is also a study conducted by Dr. Grassi Fisk at St. Thomas Hospital in the UK, who announced that overdosing on energy drinks can cause heart failure (reduced heart function).
Coffee without sugar is better… Caffeine: less than 400mg
If you really want to consume caffeine before exercise, Americano, which has less sugar, may be a better choice than energy drinks. However, caution must be taken as excessive intake of caffeine may cause muscle tremors, dehydration, and insomnia. The maximum daily caffeine intake recommended by Korea’s Ministry of Food and Drug Safety is 400 mg for an adult. If you are sensitive to caffeine, vitamin C may be an alternative. Vitamin C suppresses muscle loss and helps relieve fatigue.
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