image text translation
(1)Chair qualification(?)
(2)But at the driver’s restaurant,
(1)Chair qualification(?)image text translation
(3)You have to be qualified…
(1)Chair qualification(?)image text translation
(2)I order a gift
(3)Albe is a knight…
(1)Chair qualification(?)image text translation
(2)I’m ordering an article
(3)Source: Alberto Instagram
(4)Received the National Merit Medal!
(1)Donors Seungyeon Cho, Alberto, Luckyimage text translation
(2)(My.Money.My) Walk Talk
(3)with the name of
(1)”Alberto Mondiimage text translation
Received a medal from the President of Italy
Received the title of knight and nobleman
In fact, it is said to be a knight position.
(Of course, it only has a symbolic meaning…)
Driver’s restaurant entrance pass