image text translation
(1)’Dandae orisashirago
(2)I’m going to give you a pat on the neck.”
(3)Hae-yong (the owner of a market truck) pokes fun at an old lady sitting at a stall while driving around the market.
(1)”Mahavanyavaramilda. Big and electricimage text translation
(2)Crossing the Rubicon Manavatanitang
(3)LEGENDS ★★.
(4)”What’s the point of memorizing something if you don’t know what it means?
(5)Haeyong chanting the Banyasim Sutra while playing muktak to his grandmother
(6)The old lady who berated him
(1)”Then from this life to the nextimage text translation
(2)”Going is going and
(3)Knowing what you don’t know is crossing what you don’t know.”
(4)Semantic interpretation
(1)”We’ve got to make the war a talking point…image text translation
(2)Can I do that?”
(3)Meditation is something you do with a topic, not something you memorize.
(4)is not an old lady
(1)What’s your grandma talking about?”image text translation
(2)④ ‘There is no muja to be had
(3)Ask your grandmother to talk about it then
(4)Why is there no such thing as a grandma?
(1)”The Buddha used his intellectimage text translation
(2)He said he’d listen to you if you salted it.”
(3)The self is the real Buddha.”
(4)Grandma talking to Hae-yong
(5)Self is Buddha
(1)”You’re the Buddha. Then when you do it.image text translation
(2)What is and what isn’t
(3)Hae Yong’s question about Grandma’s topic of no talking
(4)So, does she have it or doesn’t she?
(1)”If it’s there, it’s not there,image text translation
(2)If it’s not there, it’s there.
(3)There is nothing in the world that is not me”The absence of something is itself
(4)If it’s there, it’s not there.
(5)If it doesn’t exist, it does.
(6)There’s nothing in the world that isn’t me.
(7)Since there is no such thing as
(8)Grandma’s answer
(1)”Isn’t she a bitch when she does it?”image text translation
(2)Hae Yong, who became a fool after hearing Grandma’s answer
(1)LEGENDS ★★.image text translation
(2)”What I don’t know is that
(3)Go somewhere and see Amitabha Buddha.”
(4)And then the final grandma jab a d d