’01s Feeling Older

'01s Feeling Older

image text translation

(1)The Walk Episode 47 Kids Cafe
(2)(How long?)
(3)What year are your friends coming here?
(4)Ink Education Episode 47 Kids Cafe
(5)The banana fruit looks like a handset, so I decided to use the
(6)Ink Episode 47 Kids Cafe
(7)(The phone is a
(8)I’m holding this up, and they’re like, “Hey, you know what?
(10)Episode 47 Kids Cafe
(11)Hello with a square calculator
(12)(Don’t know?)
(13)Oh, really?
(14)And I was like, “Oh, my gosh, you’re done.
(15)This is the conversation of the Class of ’01
(16)Oh Shinhwa Mine
(17)Directors are tough, right?
(18)Episode 147 Kids Cafe
(19)Everyone here is now beeping, beeping, beeping.
(20)Ink Professor Episode 47 Kids Cafe
(21)’PD: No.
(23)PD: No, it’s not, lol.
(24)Isn’t that a beep?
(25)Black and white… Black and white phone?
(26)PD: No.
(27)(01 children)


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