image text translation
(1)Bla Bla 2 hours
(2)Some lady is going to out me.
(3)You’re a firefighter, and an old one-room house is on fire.
(4)We had evacuated the neighborhood and were working on the fire.
(5)All of a sudden, a lady comes in crying and says, “I’m sorry.
(6)He’s got a kid and he needs me to rescue him.
(7)I asked him how old he was, and he said 8.
(8)It was time for the kids to go to school, and it was weird, so I asked.
(9)It’s a cat, not a person
(10)But that’s when you know you’re going to get really screwed if you make a bad entry.
(11)I’d take the risk if I were an 8-year-old, but I’m an 8-year-old cat.
(12)I didn’t.
(1)Even when I explain that it’s too risky, they just yell at me.image text translation
(2)He said save it.
(3)She called our office and said she’s going to identify me.
(4)I’m guilty of malfeasance in office.
(5)Easily create a profile and receive job offers on Blindhire
(6)ㅇ Create a profile and we’ll offer you a job first