Why singer Lee Seung Chul was banned from entering Japan

I went to Dokdo with the North Koreans

I’m banned from the country for calling you a hollywood star.

You pervs

When our citizens are on our territory

We sang our song, why are we banned?

I don’t understand! Even if you ask me to come, I won’t go.

Why singer Lee Seung Chul was banned from entering Japan
image text translation

Why singer Lee Seung Chul was banned from entering Japan

image text translation

(1)”Did you sleep well last night, Dokdo, you little face?”

Why singer Lee Seung Chul was banned from entering Japan

image text translation

(1)’Arirang ah
(2)Arirang Pass

Why singer Lee Seung Chul was banned from entering Japan

image text translation

(1)If you get tired along the way, take a break.
(2)Let’s go hand in hand Let’s go together

Why singer Lee Seung Chul was banned from entering Japan

image text translation

(1)Geumgangsan’s crystal clear water flows into the East Sea.
(2)Seoraksan’s clear water also goes to the East Sea

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