Twitter, which was noisy because of the expression East and West

Twitter, which was noisy because of the expression East and West

image text translation

(1)1 The term east-west appears in web novel works
(2)2020-10-211220 Report
(3)I’m not the only one who thinks it’s weird
(5)2020-10-19 2334 Report
(6)The east and west are… LOL
(7)2020-10-160356 Report
(8)No, it’s like a writer. What’s the east-west? How is the east-west possible? I don’t have basic common sense
(9)2 Comments don’t understand which direction the east and west is going
(10)Evan, I used the East-West term, but the comments are saying, “What’s wrong with that?”
(11)Your vocabulary has really gone down
(12)3 Which Twitterian
(13)You don’t even know the east and west. These days, kids’ vocabulary-level remarks
(14)I think I wrote it wrong
(15)Yeo-ju will be scammed
(16)Scrab List C Search within the following body
(17)Is it east or west
(18)The distance is about 10 meters
(19)Of course, the skill level is low, so there may be some margin of error
(20)Bosses! It’s east and west
(21)Then let’s go!Cheer up a little more. The two of you ran to the mountain
(22)4 Different Twitterians
(23)I think it’s wrong, but if it’s 10m in the east-west direction, where the hell is it
(24)It’s a surprising word from the east and west, but it really does
(25)Korean dictionary words
(27)1 Words that connect east and west
(28)2 the orientation between east and west based on east
(29)5 Another Twitterian. It’s a word that exists in the dictionary anyway
(30)Silly half and half
(31)Then, I don’t even know about northeast, southeast, like this
(32)I’ve lost my vocabulary, but why do I have to do it in the middle
(33)If you don’t know if the concept is gone, it’s like a word that doesn’t exist
(34)There’s no east-west. There’s north-north-west, you fools
(35)Or you’re having a friendly mind, and you’re stupid like that
(36)It may appear above the water surface
(37)6 Twitiers in the Troubles
(38)You know the Northeast, the Southeast, but why don’t you know the East and West
(39)There’s a saying north, north, south, east, and west
(40)And so on. Confused remarks
(41)6 Currently, on Twitter
(42)So, where is the east-west direction vs. anyway, your vocabulary is
(43)It’s called “Ree”
(44)during the outbreak of the East-West War with
(45)It is surprisingly ongoing If you search east and west on Twitter
(46)Soda is coming out


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