the human level of being a prosecutor general

the human level of being a prosecutor general

image text translation

(1)Breaking News Prosecutor General Kim Hye-kyung cannot be prosecuted
(2)I’m not trying to figure out the amount of money
(3)Input 20240227 PM 518 Knight’s Letter
(4)a journalist of prudence

the human level of being a prosecutor general

image text translation

(1)The manipulation of Kim Gun-hee’s stock price
(2)Reply 37
(3)So Dior pouch
(4)Reply 18
(5)Isn’t Kim Gun-hee’s multi-billion stock price manipulation too big
(6)Reply 10
(7)Kim Gunhee’s stock price fraud is Dior bag is
(8)KIM GUN HEE, Dior’s back is
(9)So, when will you prosecute the Dior backbribe? The prosecution is for about 100,000 won, but when will you prosecute the stock price manipulator who received more than 3 million won in bribes
(10)Why don’t you search and find 100,000 won and investigate the Dior bag? At first, I thought that I shouldn’t spend 100,000 won like that because I’m a public official, but seeing that the additional manipulation on the Dior bag cost 100,000 won, I wonder if they are really clean people


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