image text translation
(1)the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea
Im Jongseok, I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you
He was so sick that he was going to nominate Lim Jong-seok, which was obvious
Lim Jong-seok is out of the sky
It’s the highest resignation lol
Oh, you’re doing a lot of things
Im Jong-seok is not the one who announced to the media that he was retiring from politics
But the district that’s not even in the party’s constitution rules said that they would try it again 20 years ago
The district is already a strategic nominating district, but he did it before
He changed his retirement and was clapping for the spot again
In short, Lim Jong-seok’s district was a strategic nomination district in the first place. It was the same in the last National Assembly election and this year, too
But it’s a fact that Lim Jong-seok and Go Min-jung are fighting like they’re doing something
Thank you, Im Jongseok
Thank you, Go Min Jeong, Go Min Jeong. I can’t do this anymore. I can’t recover
He’s so proud of himself