Lee Seojin can relate to when she gets older. Why don’t you date

Lee Seojin can relate to when she gets older. Why don't you date

image text translation

(1)Speaking of which, I’m not getting married
(2)Do you have any thoughts about dating
(3)I can’t do it. That’s the biggest problem
(4)It’s so annoying
(5)I can’t even be bothered to date anymore
(6)We’ll eat, watch a movie, drink
(7)To watch a movie
(8)I ate and didn’t drink
(9)I watched movies and drank coffee
(10)That routine is annoying
(11)I can’t do that routine anymore
(12)Rice is the limit. LOL
(13)It’s annoying to meet new people. It’s said that there’s a big physical problem


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