Misunderstanding of the abolition of the Ministry of Gender Equality to the United Nations

Misunderstanding of the abolition of the Ministry of Gender Equality to the United Nations

image text translation

(1)the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family’s substantial abolition of the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family
(2)President Lee Dae-jung is back to catching a guy
(3)Reporter Ahn Chae-won
(4)Input 2024222 1708 Amendment 20242221915
(5)1st Street

Misunderstanding of the abolition of the Ministry of Gender Equality to the United Nations

image text translation

(1)The government’s abolition was misunderstood when the United Nations feared the abolition of the Ministry of Gender Equality
(2)Input 20237261802
(3)1st Street
(4)Kim Hyun-sook Paradoxical Women’s World Again
(5)Government answer absurd lie
(6)Reporter Hahn Ye-seop, 2800 pressia
(7)It was confirmed that the government, which had adhered to the policy of abolishing the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, responded to the UN’s open letter expressing concern, saying that the government reorganization plan was not intended to abolish the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family

Just seven months ago

When I received an open letter from the United Nations

I heard the abolition of the Ministry of Gender Equality was a misunderstanding

With the general election coming up

The Ministry of Gender Equality and Family is effectively abolished

Rune and the government

This is enough for Rune and the government to vote for the election

It’s 100 interventions

It’s not like we’re doing away with the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family

in the words of de facto abolition

I’m trying to play tricks

Once you’re tricked, you’re a crook

If you’re tricked a couple of times, you’re the one who’s tricked

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