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a son who is guilty of his father’s death disappointed in his son


a son who is guilty of his father's death disappointed in his son

image text translation

(1)When I was young, my father
(2)by the bankruptcy of a country called the IMF
(3)It’s a factory that you’ve run on your own
(4)I’m going bankrupt
(5)You said you had to raise the house
(6)I need to be a doctor
(7)When I was in the 45th grade, they said this to me
(8)I knew about the poverty of my family
(9)I studied hard when I was in middle school
(10)When I was in high school, I went to boarding school and I was a high school scholarship student for 3 years
(11)And I entered a small high school in the country on the condition that I was exempted from the dormitory fee
(12)I got enough grades to apply to universities in the Seoul area
(13)As far as I can make efforts
(14)I thought the score came out really well
(15)He’s been frustrated ever since
(16)You only drink every day
(17)Father, don’t live like this And I asked him to go get a medical checkup
(18)I went to the hospital for a medical check-up
(19)He collapsed In front of me
(20)And he passed away after 6 days
(21)Eventually, the results saw his father’s last hopes dashed
(22)What should I be now
(23)I lost my dream
(24)When I gave my report card to my dad
(25)My father’s frustration keeps coming out in my dreams
(26)I feel so guilty for the rest of my life
(27)I’m living right now
(28)I don’t know how to live for my father
(29)I wonder if I can get away with guilt
(30)Why did my father say to me
(31)That’s what made me dream that
(32)For me, to my father
(33)What kind of existence were you, monk
(34)The questioner was under pressure from his father to go to medical school and start a family from a young age
(35)After failing to go to medical school, when his father died of the shock, he killed his father
(36)haunted by the guilt that
(37)For advice on how to live, I came to Monk Beopryun and asked questions
(38)Listening to the questioner talking
(39)You’ll live like your father
(40)I was watching it thinking that he would tell me something obvious. This is the monk’s first drink
(41)I thought it was okay for a monk to do this, and from this point on, I became focused
(42)Questioner, we’re going to drink soon
(43)The questioner is full of anger right now
(44)I don’t know how to live
(45)If you end up feeling a bit frustrated and wander more
(46)with a drink in one’s mouth
(47)Then we’ll go to alcoholism
(48)I’m sure you’re going to go there like your father
(49)He’s frustrated like a questioner
(50)I don’t know how to live
(51)After drinking like that, I put my hope on my son
(52)That’s how I lived
(53)So, my father’s Karma asked the questioner
(54)It’s like a family history
(55)If you don’t want to live like that
(56)Now, the questioner
(57)The way out of your parents’ karma
(58)I have to go
(59)How many questions do you ask the young man
(60)The young man was 30 years old and 1st, so he quit his job as an opportunity teacher in 8 years and gave him the civil service exam
(62)The competition rate for the civil service exam will be in your teens
(63)There’s a high chance that you’ll pass
(64)If you thought you’d fail
(65)I made a draft
(66)That’s the way to become a father
(67)If you think you’re going to lose, you won’t even start
(68)I’m doing my father’s business
(69)I didn’t think I would fail
(70)That’s the conclusion
(71)You’re going to fail
(72)Even if you’re in a relationship, you can fail
(73)Even if you do business, you can fail
(74)It’s possible to lose the chance of attacking
(75)If you buy stocks, the price can drop
(76)You can’t get a lottery ticket even at Sadang
(77)That’s how life works
(78)I will never fail!If you listen to him right away
(79)be already going the same wayI mean, gay
(80)It’s not my first father
(81)I didn’t tell him to die
(82)Because you’re drinking, you don’t have to worry about the questioner
(83)There’s no relationship
(84)But it doesn’t have anything to do with it
(85)I’ll connect it to the text
(86)I killed my fatherThat’s what I thought was the first one’s fault
(88)And you want to be a doctor, son
(89)So bring up the house in the future
(90)That’s what I can say
(91)Then I’ll go down the road
(92)If the questioner thinks it’s not right
(93)I might not be able to go that way
(94)No, the questioner is a free personparental slave
(95)Later, the monk tells me the story of when he decided to become a monk
(96)When you become a monk, when you become a monk
(97)I think my parents would have agreed
(98)I don’t think the questioner agreed
(99)But if I try to cover my teeth, my parents bring me some medicine and write it down
(100)I’m going to die even if I threaten you
(101)It’s my parents’ life
(102)whether you’re dead or not
(103)It’s up to you and the audience laugh
(104)I’ll do the baby funeral with a fed-up Dolly, if you laugh at the audience again
(105)You have to do this to go down this road
(106)Dad, that’s your father’s life. You have to go with your life
(107)The questioner later said that his father kept coming out in his dream
(108)While getting ready, Jil-jil-sil Park
(109)I had this dream once
(110)I wanted to be a poet
(111)I’m walking
(112)Because my father keeps showing up in my dream
(113)In my dream, my father is
(114)It’s like having a dog dream. Questioner’s laughter
(115)If you open your eyes, you can work like a dog and a dream
(116)Of course, it’s a dog dream What kind of dream is that
(117)From this point on, the questioner’s voice brightened up, and the anger that was filled when I first asked the question
(118)If you’ve ever experienced a brain definition research dream, or listened to it, or if it’s a new world
(119)or dreams that I’m not good at
(120)I’m supposed to dream about it
(121)When I slept, I fell asleep deeplyAfter Guy, I kept dreaming
(122)I fell asleep deeply before waking up, so I don’t remember what I had in my dream
(123)When you wake up before you fall asleep, your dreams look like a fantasy
(124)As soon as you open your eyes, a dream is
(125)What a waste!
(126)You have to think like this
(127)Whatever you dream!
(128)Then the questioner was known to the worldEven if the 65-year-old Buddhist monk Beopryun is better, he’s a terrible person
(129)You’re 30 years old now. You’re better
(130)I’ll change it if you ask me to
(131)Laughing and clapping during the inspection
(132)So, starting with the government right now, just take the test, do it for a year, and throw it away if it doesn’t work
(133)Regardless of the conclusion, if you’ve never thought you’d be out of it, you’ll pass
(134)I mean, the questioner is so obsessed with the test for 10 years I get addicted to exams
(135)Try it and if it doesn’t work, it’s over!I have to draw a conclusion like this
(136)You can throw it away, go to the labor market, and do whatever you want
(137)I thought it would be nice to have an unscrupulous and illegal act
(139)If you become a doctor, you will make money
(140)Even if my father said it, it’s a wrong idea
(141)The doctor is a doctor who treats people, but what if you become a doctor to make money
(142)I became a doctor, so the doctor wanted to make money
(143)There’s no disease. There’s a small disease. It’s a big disease
(145)You have to say you’re going to get drunk
(146)That’s why it doesn’t matter if you’re being overpaid, you’re being overpaid, you’re being overpaid, you know, and you’re being compromised
(147)I don’t care that it doesn’t pay much when I go to the hospital because of the end of the season
(148)It’s just a normal face
(149)It’s spinning
(150)You know that you’re applying to a plastic surgery clinic that’s the best at studying
(151)It’s something. It’s something wrong with the world
(152)Because the world keeps going wrong because of money
(153)It’s so confusing right now
(154)The monk’s foresight seemed to have foreseen the year 24, six years later
(155)If you’re only 30 years old now, you’ll be full That’s right
(156)So, you don’t have to think about itIt’s your life
(157)You can live a different life than your father
(158)How does a 30-year-old live on Audience Laughing Voice
(160)How can you eat with your mouth? What can you eat with your mouth audience laughter
(161)I live with a smile, but what’s wrong with the young questioner
(162)I couldn’t get married. I couldn’t get married even when I was 65 years old. The audience laughed
(163)Six years later, the questioner is living as a public servant or even if he does other things, he will be living a much lighter life and happier life than before


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