I met an old man with a strong enemy

I met an old man with a strong enemy

image text translation

(1)I met a noisy old man downstairs I’m going crazy
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(3)It’s been more than four months I don’t know if I’m making noise between floors ㅅㅂ
(4)I moved into the house below, an old grandfather who is over 70 years old
(5)When you move in, you’re a typical old man because you don’t know what to do with your back
(6)Turn on the TV sound zone loudly. I turn it on until 2am and 3am
(7)Sound zones are ringing and vibrating throughout the house, and TV sounds can be heard
(8)I tried to hold it in and knocked on the door and pressed the doorbell
(9)I’ll never open the door for 10 minutes. The sound of the TV outside the door
(10)There’s a person inside because I can hear you. You’re not gonna open the door on purpose
(11)I don’t know if the door is locked because I can’t hear the doorbell beating because of the TV sound
(12)I’m going to say my opinion when someone comes out, but I never open the door
(13)Even if you put a note on it, you turn on the TV loudly at 1 a.m
(14)Calling for police help, we don’t do that
(15)Tell the security or management office. We’re out of action
(16)The next afternoon, the sound of the TV was too loud, so the security guard management office staff shouted for 20 minutes and knocked on the old man’s house
(17)At the same time, the management office texted the grandfather, but he didn’t even answer
(18)I can still hear the sound of television when I kick and press the doorbell and beat it
(19)I was so upset at the scene that I called the police back, and as you said, I was with the security guard. I asked them to help me because they wouldn’t open the door
(20)No, you don’t open the door either, but will you open the door for us to go? Even if we go, it doesn’t really help Shall we send them to the station
(21)He said, “Don’t come to my place, don’t come to my place”
(22)I knocked on the old man’s door and asked if they were trying to avoid you
(23)Since it’s the house in front of me, there’s little effect of TV sound
(24)Just in case I’m the only one who’s going to be mistaken for being loud, I’m going to work at the security guard’s office
(25)The two of them are so loud
(26)I thought the old man downstairs might be affected by the sound of the TV
(27)I went down to join them, and they came home only on weekends
(28)My house is upstairs, so even if I put a woofer in a hammer, the house downstairs in the first place
(29)The TV sound is louder, so there is no impact
(30)What should I do? What should I do


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