“My brother is a famous politician” scam – drunk driving… Geum Tae-seop’s younger brother was sentenced to 1 year and 10 in prison

"My brother is a famous politician" scam - drunk driving... Geum Tae-seop's younger brother was sentenced to 1 year and 10 in prison

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(1)Geum Tae-seop, the Supreme Council member of the New Reform Party 202427 News1
(2)Keum Tae-sup, a member of the New Reform Party’s supreme council, was sentenced to one year and 10 months in prison for stealing tens of millions of won and driving under the influence of alcohol by fraud, citing his brother
(3)According to the legal community on the 23rd, Judge Lee Min-ji of Criminal Chamber 3 at the Seoul Eastern District Court sentenced Geum 54 to one year and 10 months in prison on charges of fraud and violation of the Road Traffic Act on the 15th Mr. Geum is the younger brother of the Supreme Council member
(4)In April 2022, Geum asked the woman he was dating to lend him 20 million won after saying, “My brother is a famous politician and lawyer, so I can help him if there is a legal problem.” Geum said, “He promised to pay my brother back as soon as he returned from overseas, and the woman lent him 12 million won, but he did not get it back.” In October 2022, he was also accused of borrowing about 47 million won from multiple victims to invest in overseas stocks and not returning it At that time, a victim was found to have written an IOU and gave the phone number of the Supreme Council member Geum. In May last year, he was caught driving under the influence in Gangbuk-gu, Seoul, and his blood alcohol level was 0198, which exceeded the standard of revocation of the license by more than 01
(5)”It’s a family affair, and I’m sorry for those who were affected,” Supreme Council member Geum said in a phone call. “My younger brother is also repenting for his wrongdoings and being tried.”


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