The future of Korea as seen by President Son Joo-eun of Mega Study

The future of Korea as seen by President Son Joo-eun of Mega Study

image text translation

(1)The first daughter is really
(2)My sister
(3)She has two daughters
(4)He’s a genius. He’s my nephew
(5)You did well and won first place. You went to Yewon High School
(6)I kept playing the violin
(7)Screen gold in screen
(8)So, I entered Seoul Arts High School
(9)Senior admission to the department of engineering at Seoul National University of Music
(10)a senior graduate
(11)Are you doing a world-class violinist now
(12)In-screen screen
(13)No, he tried it
(14)the age of women
(15)College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) 2
(16)2010 study
(17)Because the world is so tight in her day
(18)Seongsi 2. College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT)
(19)District 2016
(20)A double major in business school while attending Seoul National University
(21)a continuous screen
(22)2018 research
(23)She’s smart
(24)Seongsi 2. College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT)
(25)Watch 417
(26)In her time, I got two diplomas from Seoul National University
(27)the regular college entrance exam
(28)- a teacher
(29)She went to law school and became a lawyer this time
(30)She used to say, “Uncle on my mother’s side”
(31)Screenshots! Screenshots
(32)Send her a message once in a while and curse her
(33)20110 Research 11
(34)It’s a dirty world
(35)Seongsi 2. College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT)
(36)She only gets 3 million won for me to die like this
(37)Seongsi 2. College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT)
(38)Screen 2 in screen
(39)I don’t know what’s going to happen in her time
(40)Right now, we
(41)2019 research
(42)Young people in their early and mid-30s of her time
(43)I heard that the qualifications are fancy in this society
(44)I can’t be as successful as my parents’ generation
(45)Why isn’t there
(46)Right now, we
(47)You need to have a structural understanding of the world you live in
(48)The biggest problem in Korea right now is
(49)It is a contradiction of the college admission system
(50)It’s not about prosecutorial reform
(51)Looking at the future of Korea
(52)There’s a contradiction in the demographic structure that’s hard to solve
(53)Korean Structure and Economic Growth Trend
(54)1 Advanced Compression Growth
(55)It’s too serious
(56)Dream Axis Growth
(57)I made a mistake with the population policy of this agreement
(58)Korea’s Population High Compressed Growth Structure and Economic Growth Trend
(59)As the population grew, I was scared
(60)Population structure and economic growth trend in Lina
(61)High compressive growth
(62)I used a low birth rate policy
(63)The demographic structure and economic growth in the Republic of Korea
(64)And the medical technology has developed so well
(65)Population Structure and Economic Growth Trends
(66)Korea’s health insurance system ranks first in the world
(67)Other trends in economic growth
(68)She’s a baby boomer and she’s born a lot, but she’s not even dead
(69)Gold in the screen
(70)But who’s going to feed you all that
(71)My kids need to feed them
(72)In the next 30 years
(73)I’ll work the most energetic
(74)How can you give me a chance to relax the most
(75)Why can’t I have it
(76)At that time, most of the population in Korea
(77)They’re old people
(78)Until they retire from their 40s to 65s
(79)70 to 80 of your income is
(80)You have to pay taxes or social security
(81)If you don’t, how can you feed the people who don’t even die
(82)So even if you go to a good university
(83)After graduating from law school, becoming a lawyer
(84)College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) 2
(85)There’s no job
(86)When I go to Seocho-dong, I’m a lawyer who gets hit by the side of the road
(87)So, it’s not about going to college well right now
(88)14 Comprehensive special welfare for early admission
(89)So, I
(90)What’s a really good alternative
(91)I want to go to college well under this system
(92)2nd regular exam. College Scholastic Ability Test
(93)②Professor Divergent 4 Comprehensive especially Sky Castle
(94)#Yang Yeon Woo-soo
(95)It’s not like this
(96)I’m leaving the Republic of Korea
(97)the Holy See College Scholastic Ability Test

The future of Korea as seen by President Son Joo-eun of Mega Study

image text translation

(1)I think that’s a great way to do it
(2)In Korea, due to the demographic structure
(3)Parents’ Generation Goes to prestigious universities = Success
(4)1 Successful admission to prestigious university
(5)Since you have that experience
(6)11 Successful admission to prestigious universities
(7)It’s a kind of optical illusion
(8)a coriander in shape
(9)I’m the head of a private education company
(10)What do I think
(11)Suddenly, there will be a cliff in private education
(12)wind up
(13)I think it will disappear in 20 years at least
(14)We’re already going from two to zero economic growth
(15)an era of capitalism
(16)a paradigm shift in education
(17)We have entered an era of low growth
(18)the age of the province
(19)2 Education
(20)This leads to a serious problem with the reverse pyramid
(21)So from my parents’ generation, you have to change your mind
(22)The educational paradigm has already changed
(23)It’s not the kind of time my parents experienced
(24)a paradigm shift in education
(25)the age of aging
(26)We have entered an era of low growth
(27)2 Changing the educational paradigm
(28)excellence including
(29)And the population is about to decline
(30)the time of one’s parents
(31)a major era
(32)Number of people in Busan
(33)And how serious the aging population becomes
(34)2 Change in educational paradigm
(35)I calculated the support cost separately for the elderly
(36)It was only 10 in 2000
(37)It’s only 21 next year, but it’s a huge leap forward
(38)In 2050, at a time when your children are very important
(39)I was 77 then
(40)a paradigm shift
(41)I was 10 recently
(42)Good with us, Blessed
(43)a cultural researcher
(44)Then, the working age group who is responsible for feeding
(45)The percentage of elderly people who feed themselves
(46)In 2000, we entered an aging society
(47)It’s only 10
(48)If it’s over 7
(49)If the ratio of the elderly population to the total population is over seven
(50)It’s called an aging society
(51)We’re super-aged now
(52)a professor who is appointed as a sales representative
(53)I only had this much money for support
(54)Enzymes doubled in 20 years
(55)It’s more than tripled here in 30 years
(56)77 I can’t stand it
(57)But if you go to 2067 in question, 2067
(58)These working men
(59)On the shoulders of those in their 30s and 40s
(60)One or two kids, wives, and two old men
(61)The world we have to go to is the whole device
(62)Then, Korea
(63)In the current way of production
(64)I can’t lead the country
(65)Then what should I do
(66)It’s time for a genius to come out
(67)It’s very creative
(68)One production area
(69)Purchase Suneung 2 – College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT)
(70)It’s about a million people
(71)Number of people to be sold
(72)If creative and talented people are not nurtured
(73)30 years of high compression growth is sincere
(74)② Busan Cheongho Order 41
(75)Why do you work so hard
(76)the number of ports in Busan
(77)It’s heavy and chemical industry and basic IT
(78)Now that we’re in a completely different world in the 4th industrial era
(79)Now the BTS has to stick out here and there
(80)Otherwise, Korea
(81)Four weeks’ worth
(82)I can’t stand this support

Gopas’ comments

The future of Korea as seen by President Son Joo-eun of Mega Study

image text translation

(1)The Mega Study Group, a symbol of trust
(2)Even after 10 years
(3)Even if the investment immigration system changes completely
(4)Mega Consulting is with you
(5)Customer Trust First Transparent Corporate Philosophy Long Experience and Professionalism
(6)Mega Consulting, a symbol of trust
(7)Mega Consulting Expert for Immigrants in the U.S
(8)That’s why I prepared this Mega Immigration Consulting
(9)A person who earned a fortune thanks to the college admission system is now opening an overseas study center and conducting immigration consulting, saying that the country is ruined by entrance exams. In a good way, I can’t erase the idea that I’m a hypocritical opportunist
(10)In the past, because of the demographic structure, all jobs were forgotten. It’s the incarnation of that generation that the person who was except for medical school drank all of Korea and threw it away
(11)These days, even if there is a genius, there will be a genius who replaces the industry with AI
(12)I think so
(13)And if you put in a lawyer’s monthly salary

But the slowdown in population growth and low growth is because Korea is so fast, but it’s a global phenomenon

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